COVID Protocols & Information

In an effort to make COVID protocol information more easily accessible for our CUHSD community, please check the link below for the most recent information on COVID Guidance.
Please feel free to link directly to that page as it will be updated frequently with any changes that come up.
Parent responsibilities with respect to student attendance during COVID
All parents received an email via ParentSquare detailing parent responsibilities with respect to student attendance during COVID. This information is shared below for reference and is an addendum to the Annual Parents Rights & Responsibilities document. If you have not signed this notice, please check your email for a message from ParentSquare or go to your ParentSquare app (instructions on how to sign up for ParentSquare, if needed).


1. COVID-19 Screening

I understand that as the parent/guardian it is my responsibility to screen my child daily for symptoms of COVID-19 prior to sending my child to school. This daily screening must include taking my child's temperature and/or reviewing a list of COVID-19 symptoms with my child to determine whether my child has any symptoms of COVID-19. I understand that the school may conduct further health screenings once my child is on campus. I understand that I must notify the school immediately if my child exhibits any COVID-19 symptom listed below. Students may not attend school if they exhibit any COVID-19 symptom. If a student is identified as having any COVID-19 symptom upon arrival at school, or during the school day, the student will be isolated on campus and parents/guardians are required to pick the student up from school immediately. COVID-19 symptoms include:


  • fever (100° or higher) or chills
  • cough
  • shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • night sweats
  • sore throat
  • muscle or body aches
  • headache
  • new loss of taste or smell
  • confusion 
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea



2. COVID-19 Cases, Exclusion From School, and Immediate Reporting Obligation

I understand that I must immediately notify the principal of the school when:


  • my child, a household member, or other Close Contact* to my child tests positive for COVID-19, OR
  • my child develops any symptom of COVID-19. 

I understand that my child may be placed in home isolation or quarantine until my child is cleared to return to school.


If my child exhibits symptoms of COVID-19, I understand that I should contact our health care provider to have my child tested and should not bring my child to school until I can provide documentation of a negative test result to school administration. In lieu of a negative test result, symptomatic students may return to school with a medical note signed by a California licensed physician that provides an alternative explanation for symptoms and a reason for not ordering COVID-19 testing.


*A close contact is someone who has been within 6 feet of the positive person while they were infectious for 15 minutes or more, even if one or both people were wearing face coverings. COVID-19 positive persons are considered infectious from 48 hours before their symptoms began (or 48 hours before they were tested for COVID if they never had symptoms).


If my student is excluded from school due to a positive COVID-19 test, COVID-19 symptoms, or exposure to a family member or other close contact who tested positive for COVID-19, I understand that I am responsible for ensuring the student abides by applicable isolation/quarantine requirements. Students must complete any period of isolation/quarantine prior to returning to school.



3. COVID-19 Protocols

I understand that the district and school sites will set local expectations to mitigate the risk of exposure to COVID-19, in line with K-12 schools guidance from CDPH and CDC.  These will be communicated to parents, students, and staff and all are required to comply with these expectations.  Based on the community rate of transmission and other factors, these requirements may change throughout the year. 



4. COVID-19 Risks and Alternative Instruction Options

I understand that the district and schools are implementing all of the recommended precautions to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Because this is a wide-spread community virus, my student may interact with others at school who are infected but do not have symptoms of illness. I understand that transmission of the virus may occur, even when mitigation strategies are implemented and followed. 


If I have concerns about my student returning to in-person instruction, I understand that the district offers alternative options such as the Virtual Learning Academy. For information about this option, please contact the Virtual Learning Academy Principal Liz Tovar [email protected]

